Deer Show | A Humorous Look at How U.S. Manipulates "Rules-Based International Order"-今日快看
时间:2023-05-05 16:43:32来源:Xinhua


Welcome to the Weekly Show with Deer Wang. Today, we"re gonna talk about a fascinating topic - a phrase that"s been floating around for so long - "Rules-Based International Order". Yeah, the U.S. loves to use these great terms - "rules" and "order". But, they never quite tell you what they mean. It"s like the mystery ingredient in your grandma"s secret recipe - everyone talks about it, but nobody knows what it is. Now, why is the U.S. so cryptic about these rules? Well, there are a few reasons.

Firstly, they like to keep the "rules" vague. Cuz it"s changing all the time! Just like a chameleon. You can"t tell whether it"s black or white, cuz it changes colors to blend in with the environment, all in the name of protecting American interests. Think about it. When the U.S. bombed the former Yugoslavia and invaded Iraq, they claimed human rights were more important than sovereignty. Yet, when it comes to Ukraine, sovereignty and territorial integrity are back on the menu. Just like a political buffet - pick and choose whatever suits his appetite.

The second reason is, well, they can"t really say it out loud. Cuz the rules are like their "skeletons in the closet." Will the U.S. tell you they blew up the Nord Stream pipeline? Or they listened in on their allies" phone calls, like a nosy neighbor with a giant ear trumpet? These "rules" are designed to serve American interests first. And if they said that, it"ll be like revealing the magician"s trick - nobody would buy it anymore.

Lastly, they don"t dare to say it because deep down these rules are rooted in an "us versus them" mentality. They won"t tell you the real reason they pressured countries to decouple from China is that they view developing countries as inferior and believe that white people should remain on top of the global hierarchy. It"s like a never-ending game of "King of the Hill," but the U.S. is always the one trying to push everyone else off the top, and China is becoming one of them. But here"s the thing. This deep-rooted racism contradicts the very idea of political correctness that America claims to uphold. So, the U.S. wants this "rules-based order" to maintain their position at the center of it all. Just like a spider sitting in the middle of its web, using this phrase to confuse other countries, nibble away the rising powers, and rally its allies - or "vassals" as Macron has correctly said.

As we"ve seen, America"s "rules-based international order" is not all it"s cracked up to be. It"s all about "me, myself, and I." In geopolitics, it"s Western-centric thinking. You know, "the West or the rest." From a racial perspective, it"s white supremacy. And philosophically? Oh, it"s the good ol" dualism.

Ladies and gentlemen, that"s our show for today. We deserve a world where everyone plays a fair game, and not just one where the puppet masters pull the strings. Goodnight.


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